Sunday, December 20, 2009

Broken Scanners.

I'm tearing my imaginary hair out right now, like a phantom limb, you always feel it's there.
My Nikon 8000 that broke down a year ago is still in repairs as they cannot find a wiring diagram for that model (if any one knows where I can get a wiring diagram for a Nikon Coolscan 8000 please drop me a line). Then the less than average Epson v350 that I was using as a replacement started scanning purple lines through the images, I then borrow a Nikon 5000 from a friend, which rejects my negs. My luck with such matters is not good this past while.

Hence forth most of the images I made on my recent trip through Eastern europe are stuck in a drawer and not seeing the light of day.
I did manage to scan a few before things went pear shaped. The one above is from Brno, in the Czech Republic.