Saturday, January 30, 2010


With my recent neg scanner woes, I have a backlog, of images to get through. Then again I'm more concerned with with running a business and trying to market images that are sellable, rather than this stuff. None the less here is an edit from a day trip I did to Bratislava in Slovakia. The hostel I stayed in had a bar in the lower basement done up like a torture chamber, it was only when I got home did I actually see the movie "Hostel". Can't understand why they set the movie there, it's one of the safest country's I've ever traveled through. It would be more realistic if it was set in Transnistria.

This is one of those images that I'll have to print big, at least 20" in width, the woman coming up the stairway has a similar expression to the posters at the end of the cement pillar.
I would have liked to have experimented with this composition more, but as I made this image a man with a bandage around his arm approached me claiming he had just been robbed and could I lend him some money to get home. "Eh No". Later on that I saw the same man walking around town Minus the bandage.
I was in the church and the nun was fast asleep, luckily the pffft of the rangefinder did not wake her. This is one of those very rare times where I photograph someone who is homeless.
It's a quite city in general, you pretty much can see it in a day or two. Although I will say it has some of the most stunning looking women I've ever seen in my life. That statement by the way has nothing to do with the above image.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos mate!... I was told once that Bratislava is an amazing place just to hang out and relax... I'll go there one day... maybe...

Sebastian said...

Got a couple of good photos there. First one's my favorite actually. Think it's a good thing when you go to a new place and still you don't end up with the standard motives tourists use to take. Have you gotten around to process and scan everything from your journey?